In the Library

Skinny Jump
Can't afford internet at home? Skinny Jump might be right for you! Skinny Jump is a flexible pre-paid broadband solution created by Skinny for those who can't afford an internet connection at home. If you are eligible for Skinny Jump and your address has service, come and see us in the library to learn more and get signed up! Bring your smartphone (to download the Skinny Jump app), or your email address and password to signup on one of our library computers.

Newspapers & Magazines
Each of our libraries hold a range of magazines that are available to be checked out, and local newspapers which can be read and enjoyed in the library. Not able to make it into the library? We have a range of digital newspapers and magazines available online with your library card: go to for more details.

Digital Services
Digital literacy is an important part of lifelong learning. So we offer a variety of digital services, programmes, and resources to improve digital literacy in our community. From in-person digital skills classes to online learning resources – the library can help you learn and understand the digital space in a manner that you feel comfortable with.
Check out what we have to offer on the adult programmes page: See what is happening at the moment on our events page, or check out the Digital Library (, which is available to all Clutha District Libraries members.

Wi-Fi / APNK
We have free Wi-Fi available in all of our libraries, just connect to the network “APNK Library”, enter the password " apnk2765 " and then accept the terms and conditions.
We also have computers and laptops available in all of our libraries for free public use. Chrome OS comes pre-installed with Google docs and Microsoft Office, and our friendly library staff are on-hand to help with basic computer queries and to get you connected.

Sewing Machines
Whether you've working on a project, or have some clothes to repair, we have standard sewing machines in all of our library branches. These are available free to the public with basic sewing supplies provided. We also have two overlocker machines that are able to be brought to any branch on request (if they aren't already there). Please enquire with our staff if you need any assistance with this.

You can borrow a puzzle or contribute to a communal one in our libraries. If you're looking to waste some time, why not pop into our libraries and put some puzzle pieces in place.
Library Charges
Joining, visiting, and borrowing from the library is completely free, however there are some activities that may include a small fee, please check with your local library or on our Fees and Charges webpage for the following:
- Photocopying/printing
- Laminating
- Book Covering
- Interlibrary loans
- Replacement library cards
While we do not charge overdue fees, we may charge you a replacement fee for any items that are lost or damaged.