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Interest groups

Our libraries provide a space for interest groups to meet and engage with each other. From knitting groups to scrabble enthusiasts to book clubs, we welcome everyone to come into our libraries and meet new people. If there is a kind of group that we currently don't host but you would like to join, why not suggest this to staff in any of our libraries, or check the events calendar to see what is happening in our spaces now!

Digital help

We provide digital help in all shapes and sizes. From computer classes where a group can learn the same skills at the same time, or one-on-one drop-in style sessions where you can get help with a specific issue you may be struggling with. We can help you setup a new phone, teach you how to navigate a smartphone for the first time, assist with printing, or just help adjust settings to make your life easier!

If you are new to technology you can find step-by-step tutorials to follow along on our Niche Academy site, check if there is something already in our events page that you can join, or just visit us in the library to find out how we can help you.

Virtual reality

The library owns two virtual reality (VR) Oculus headsets that we like to bring out at different times around the district. With the help of our experienced staff, this unique experience allows the wearer to encounter something they've never seen before, or to experience something from a new perspective. Check our events page to see where the VR headset is and phone us to book a spot or enquire.

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