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Community groups

We collaborate with all kinds of groups in our Community, read on to see some examples of this. If you are part of an organisation or group that would like to collaborate with us, please get in touch with us by email ( or reach us through the contact us form.

Taken 15/8/2013 - open day at the Balclutha library. Photo provided courtesy of the Balclutha Genealogical Society.

Balclutha Genealogical Society

The Balclutha Genealogical Society meets regularly in the Balclutha Community Library, and store some of their research equipment in our library. Any member of the public is welcome to come to their meetings to get aid with searching for family history. They are contactable through their Facebook page and are happy to help people with their family history search.

Owaka Community Groups

Due to the nature of the Owaka Community Library being housed in a multi-use facility, we often collaborate with local groups for exhibitions in the gallery space located on site. In the past this has included Forest and Bird, the Owaka Lions, QEII National Trust, and more! If you want to collaborate with the Owaka gallery space, call the Owaka Community Library today!


JOBBORTUNITIES is a programme being undertaken by the Clutha District Council with partnership funding from the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs and MSD. The Jobbortunities team is available to help you find a job, and you will often see them coming in and out of our libraries! If you are a job seeker, check when they are next in our library on our events calendar, or contact the team through their website:

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