
We have digitisation equipment in ALL our libraries to help our communities preserve and share their heritage. This equipment is designed to be SUPER user-friendly. Anyone can learn to use it! Pop into your local library to learn how you can digitise your history.
In our branches you can digitise both positive and negative photographs including prints, 35mm slides, and various sized negatives. Additionally, you can also digitise thin archival materials up to an A4 size. Larger images and bound archival material will need to be sent to Balclutha.

At the Balclutha Library you can digitise positive print photographs and thin archival material up to an A3 size. You can also image bound items such as ledgers and photograph albums with our easy-to-use camera equipment. In some cases, we can also digitise small objects in Balclutha. Our Balclutha equipment cannot digitise negatives. You can visit one of our branch libraries.
Our Clutha Heritage digital heritage repository (https://heritage.cluthadc.govt.nz/) is an excellent place to share items you have digitised. By uploading to Clutha Heritage, you are preserving a copy of your item online while creating wider access to the history and stories of the Clutha District.